body frozen and rigid
(like we always do, they say, the lies we tell)
still as a corpse waiting on the slab
for the knife
(but i never had to wait for a knife)
it's not a question
whether one likes it or not
what will happen just happens
as inevitably as the lesions and sores of paranoia
fester and spread the craziness far and wide
til all we know know we are not to be believed.
Yes, the world's a crazy place.
that girl over there
(she's not a nice girl)
raped and beat and fucked and kicked
and that is that whore's life and
that is what happens to sinners like that
who drink and drug and know but stay
(everyone knows, they all say)
he would never unless she did something
so it must be that dirty girl
and it must be okay cause she's just a dirty girl
it must be okay.
And the brother says, that golden child, sullen
she drinks and drugs and takes all she can get
so it must be okay and
she is using her body to get what she wants
and that is what her brother thinks.
He told me so.
that daughter of his is raped and beat and kicked and fucked
and she doesn't tell him no and
she doesn't fight back even though
she fights with others
(they stay away from her, the other kids)
but never raises a finger to him again because
(she's afraid she will die)
so it must be
that it's okay and
she is just a whore and
this is what her mother thinks.
that daughter of his is raped and beat and kicked and fucked
and she doesn't tell him no because
(she tried before to get away)
she knows she must honor her mother and her father and the wages of sin
is raped and beat and kicked and fucked some more
and really she doesn't know any why because
this is what she knows, it just is, and
she doesn't feel it any more so
it must not be that bad and
she goes away with his drinks and drugs
and leaves
only her body
to be raped and beat and kicked and fucked and
beat and fucked and kicked some more
and really she isn't there
and she doesn't think a thing at all
1 hour ago
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